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Wrong No 20 Wrong No 20

From the Wrong collection

“Wrong” is the wrong title for this collection.

My first title was “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” 

That was too long, and it wouldn’t fit.

I then realized I had images of things that had already gone wrong, were in the process of going wrong, etc., etc. 

I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this, so I’ll just leave it at “Wrong”.

I could be wrong.

Wrong No 20


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From the Wrong collection

“Wrong” is the wrong title for this collection.

My first title was “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” 

That was too long, and it wouldn’t fit.

I then realized I had images of things that had already gone wrong, were in the process of going wrong, etc., etc. 

I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this, so I’ll just leave it at “Wrong”.

I could be wrong.